And on to something a little less serious.
When it comes to Batman, I must admit I have been spoiled rotten. In my childhood, I was initially exposed to Batman in the form of Tim Burton's contribution, Batman. Than I saw Batman Returns, which was an okay sequel as sequels go. But then, then something so wonderful came into the world of Batman, that all other incarnations of Batman would cower and crack. The Animated Series. It get's its own sentence for introduction, it's just that damned good. The animated series has established the archtype of Batman in my mind. Kevin Conroy is THE voice of batman. They could re-dub all the movies with his voice and it would work. Trust me. Mark Hamill is the BEST voice of the Joker. The writing for the series was top notch. None of the villains were overly cliche', the setting was consistent and everything was good. This show poisoned my mind with Batman and innoculated me against the offerings of Joel Sch... sh... Schumacher. I spit at those movies... spit spit spit. The animated series was all the Batman that could sustain me through that dark period. Now we have Batman begins. It's good. Not Animated Series good, but Christopher Nolan pushed the bat reset button and didn't mess up. Applause for him! If I knew nothing of Batman and wanted to see a movie, this movie would have entertained me. As an offering to the pantheon of Batman, it rates somewhere between the Animated Series and Batman Returns, hovering around Batman. Really, Batman and Batman:Begins are very different types of movies. I think I like Batman:Begins more. Yes I do. Why? Because it treated the Batman story with dignity and respect. It may have had some kooky psudoscience, but other than that, it stands on it's own as a new, re-begining of Batman which hopefully can be continued along these same lines. However, if this is the last Batman movie, so be it, at least it was a damned good one.
Actually, they are planning on continuing with the Christopher Nolan/Christian Bale vision of Batman. I'm glad too, because I really liked Batman Begins, and didn't really like the other ones. (I haven't seen the original Batman)
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