I would again like to thank Beliefnet.com for the wonderful service they provide in sharing the wisdom of great spiritual leaders from around the world.
Here is an exerpt from part of a talk the Dalai Lama gave which can be viewed here.
"I think the very nature of our meeting is just meeting another human being. We are the same--the same human beings--physically, mentally, emotionally, basically we are the same. So to me there are no differences in our background. Basically we are the same--whether rich or poor. Some are professors, some students, or some billionaire or some beggar--no differences. All are same human being and all want happy life. And everyone have the right to have happy life. Happy days and weeks and months--happy life." - The Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso
Hello Ed,
While in many cases most people do want a happy life there are those who do not. Some people for reasons such as fear, guilt, or anger try to martyr or some how absolve themselves by making thier lives miserable. These people are around you every day and while some of them are not aware of what they are striving for in thier painful lives others choose to have such a burden these curmugeons want to be down trodden.
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