Tuesday, October 04, 2005

If you haven't already seen it, if you've seen the commercials and though you should, or thought you shouldn't, if you haven't seen the commercials, or the preveiws, you must see Serenity. If anywhere in your body there is a little voice crying out for science fiction, see this movie. See the movie. It is intense, it is gritty, it gives no appologies to you or it's characters, it just does what it does and you can barely hang on.

And, do NOT bring children to this movie. It may be PG-13, but I wouldn't recommend this movie to anyone under the age of 18. It pushes it's PG-13, and while I understand that in the United States we tolerate violence more than sex or swears, the violence of this movie is of the most unsettling variety, mostly in the implication. That is true horror.


At 7:03 PM, Blogger Edge said...

Off topic comments from anonymous persons will be deleted without remorse or hesitation. SPAM is unwelcomed here and steps have been taken to prevent it.
Good Day.

At 7:24 PM, Blogger Hudson Saotome said...

You know that John C. Dvorak GETS NO SPAM!? ^____^

If you don't believe me, check out his blog at http://www.dvorak.org/blog

And if you look in the archives for Sept. 26, 2005 and go to the bottom of the page, you'll find an article about eliminating content spam from your blogs.

Anywhich, about Serenity....haven't seen it yet, plan on seeing, saw the TV series on my local Fox affilaite...will also be posting excuses and arguments, etc. as to why I haven't seen it yet on my blog...blah blah blah....


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