Saturday, December 03, 2005

Made in. Made in China? Made in Taiwan? Or perhaps Thailand? Do you ever really pay attention to where the things you buy are made any more? Well, I have a challenge, at least when it comes to clothing. If you pick a pair of jeans, or a sweater, or what have you off the rack and look at the lable and it says "Made in China," put it back. Search until you find something made in Cambodia. WHAT YOU SAY? Yes, Cambodia. Why? Because back in the late 80's and early 90's, Cambodia joined the world Textile and Garment industry in an attempt to pull themselves out of a downward economic spiral. At that time, the United States had federal trade policies which prevented garment buyers from buying from only one 3rd world nation, thus preventing economic export monopolies. Cambodia, however, was challenged to clean up it's act and improve the living and working conditions of factory workers. So they did. They now apparenly have the best labor practices in all of Southeast Asia. They use no child labor, no forced or unpaid overtime, they have more manditory vacation than we here in the USA, AND they pay well above what is necessary for a comfortable living in Cambodia. With these higher standards also come higher costs of production, and in the late 90's, the USA ended it's quota system. Now Cambodia is in a tough position, to either cut their standards to lower costs or have this important part of their economy slowly crumble as companies move production to Cambodia's neighbors. So, buy Cambodian and wear it proudly. Hell, even make up a button that says something like "I support fair wages and labor practices."

That is all.


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