Now more on Superman Returns.
First off, the movie is fun. Very fun. This movie will remind us all what makes Supeman appealing as a character, without all the hokey cliches. It's just good clean, reverant fun. Everything I wanted to see in a Superman Reboot was in there and we get to see the Man of Steel pull of some very "typical" Superman stunts. Why are these so good if they're "typical" Superman? Wouldn't I want to see Superman doing something new and innovative? Yes! Of course I do! But keep that for a sequel! This movie will hopefully do for Superman what Batman Begins did for Batman, reboot the series and drag it away from it's misguided predecessors. But, we'll see what happens in the sequel. For all I know, we might hear the oft repeated phrase "KNEEL BEFORE ZOD!" one more time on the big screen. Anyway, I liked this movie, a lot, but then again, I was a fan of some of the original movies and I loved the Superman cartoon/Justice League cartoon... so, I am biased.
There were a few things that were off about the movie, and while I do not agree with Roger Ebert's C grade, I do agree that the child actor in the movie could have been utilized more... or, should have been more animated, vibrant... something? I wonder if the child actor talent pool is wanting these days? Ebert seems to also have been put off by the melancholy tone of the movie; however, I felt the tone fit the subject well and was completely appropriate.
Hello fellow traveler...
just wanted to invite you to the pirates of the carribean viewing... tentativly scheduled for sunday july 16... and very dependent on people's response. leave a note on please :) ttfn
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