Saturday, February 14, 2004

Today In Tarot:

Celtic Cross:
I. 9 of Penticles, inverted
II. Queen of Swords, inverted
III. The Hanged Man, inverted
IV. Temperance
V. The Empress, inverted
VI. The World
VII. 4 of Staves, inverted
VIII. King of Wands, inverted
IX. 8 of Swords
X. 5 of Cups, inverted

Usualy when I read for myself (generally a no no, I know), I judge the veracity of the reading on how close VII is to how I actually feel. In this case, it is the 4 of staves inverted, which for those who know, and those who know, is pretty much dead on. Over all I felt this reading to be a very accurate representation of how I have felt events have been going on recently. I am suprised by the X card as it presents a hopefull outlook and whenever I have read on this situation I have never had a hopefull outlook. If anyone wants to try to make sense out of the reading, be my guest. If you aren't using traditional interpretations of the cards, I would suggest Astarte's TarotWeb

For clarification, I read III as the crown and the cards after are laid clockwise.

Current State: New Hampshire

Current Mood: *sigh*

Current Emote: ~_~

Current Tarot: See Above.

Current Music: "And the Knights come Marching Home," Ailsean

"We sit together,the mountain and I
until only the mountain remains." - Li Po


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