It's automatic, you know, for the people. So here I am, 7:05 on a saterday morning, and I have to go to class. Granted, class doesn't start for another hour, but it's still on the annoying side. Too early, too early. Also, I had a really annoying dream this morning. I say annoying as a general, surface descriptor. The dream itself wasn't annoying, no, it was depressing. Horridly, realisticly depressing. I would like to go into details, but the subject matter of the dream prevents me from going into any details sharper than shadows of what happend. The general premise of the dream was a discussion. A corrispondance if you will, between myself and someone whom I care for very much. Some people may say that dreams are only a collection of random elements, merely the mind's revere. Why then, would there be a coherent theme in the elements? And why would the elements come together to form something so painful? No, I am not talking about a nightmare. A nightmare is scarey, terrifying even, but usually consists of exageratted misunderstandings of reality which terrify a young mind. No, the insight I was given in my dream this morning is what has me rattled. The content of the correspondence was realistic, probable, and in the dream, seemingly eventual. The feeling of eventuality crept back as I reflected on the dream after I woke up. Very depressing but unfortunatly true in too many ways.
Current State: gone away
Current Mood: saddened
Current Emote: ~_~
Current Tarot: Page of Cups, inverted.
Current Music: "Everybody Hurts" REM <--- coincidence? O_O
"We sit together,the mountain and I
until only the mountain remains." - Li Po
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