Tuesday, January 20, 2004

It's funny how these ideas pop into my head. I really need to get more information about this so I can actually either work it out of my brain or work it into reality. The idea that just sorta popped in there was that I should buy up a whole bunch of land in a flat, sunny desert part of the country and then start a solar power company. This idea came after my idea to design a small scale home based solar power generator using the mirror/tank configuration. Coupled with roof mounted photovoltaic and storage batteries this could be a viable sollution to home power, right? Maybe?! I don't know if the tank/mirror generators work in cold weather, and I mean COLD weather. I would imagin they might keep the water tepid, at best. I will look into this and that and see what I can skim off the top.

Current State: Amped

Current Mood: Optomistic

Current Emote: $_$

Current Tarot: The Tower

Current Music: "Tickle My Wily" Star Salzman

"We sit together,the mountain and I
until only the mountain remains." - Li Po


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