Ok, so I didn't facilitate last night. I don't facilitate until after vacation. :-p
Seeking something
All things and experiences are marked by suffering, suffering comes from craving states of becoming and non-becoming. To achieve the cessation of suffering, let go of craving.
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
And now I wait my whole lifetime, or at least the best part of it. So, I don't know whether it is tonight or next week, but I am almost set for my facilitation experience. I admit, I am a bit nervious, but I have a good idea about how I want to start and end so I will only have to worry about the soft inner bits of the middle. I hope the group keeps up the good trend it had where the members would keep themselves occupied with discussion.
Current State: Frazzled
Current Mood: Meh
Current Emote: -_-
Current Tarot: 2 of Swords, inverted.
Current Music: "Its a Kind of Magic" - Queen
"The birds have vanished down the sky.
Now the last cloud drains away.
We sit together, the mountain and I,
until only the mountain remains." - Li Po
Sunday, February 22, 2004
Thursday, February 19, 2004

What's Your Outlook on Life?
brought to you by Quizilla
I must say that this was a particularly terrible quiz. I think the answer is spot-on, and it achieved it with some crappy question selection! Grand Canyon! was all for it from the begining! Hell, I might have been the one to suggest it! Natural beauty! Natural splendor! Is there anything greater? Nay, nay I say! Man seeks to control all aspects of his environment, and in doing so magnifies the inherent lack of control we all share.
"Practice no-action;
Attend to do-nothing;
Taste the flavorless,
Magnify the small,
Multiply the few,
Return love for hate." - Lao Tze
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
It's just hard when nothing's right and everything seems out of sight tonight. *Yawn* I need to wait a little while before I get ready and head out today. I am finding that while Serious Sam wasn't the best quality game, the music for it was rather nifty. Nothing like some Egyptianesque psudo-tribal stuff to bop and rock to. Oh well, now to get ready!
Current State: Rock
Current Mood: Roll
Current Emote: @
Current Tarot: 4 of Cups, inverted
Current Music: "Requiem for a Green Revolution" Scott Peeples
"We sit together,the mountain and I
until only the mountain remains." - Li Po
Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Peace. You Truly Desire Peace. Just relaxing
somewhere calm with a light breeze against your
cheecks is our ideal of pefect. You don't like
to start fights, but instead, end them without
using violence.
What Do You Truly Desire? *PICS*
brought to you by Quizilla
I bring you peace! *Cue X-Files music* *Cue Homer screaming*
Current State: Tired
Current Mood: Meh
Current Emote: ~_~
Current Tarot: 7 of Wands, inverted
Current Music: "Dance of the Dead" Necros
"We sit together,the mountain and I
until only the mountain remains." - Li Po
Monday, February 16, 2004
I never really feel quite right, and I don't know why, all I know is something's wrong.
Current State: Tired
Current Mood: Low
Current Emote: ~_~
Current Tarot: 3 of Penticles
Current Music: "I am"
"Quietly awakening...
I always, always wish
that these fleeting thoughts
would reach you..." - My Will, Inuyasha 1st End
Sunday, February 15, 2004
Saturday, February 14, 2004
Today In Tarot:
Celtic Cross:
I. 9 of Penticles, inverted
II. Queen of Swords, inverted
III. The Hanged Man, inverted
IV. Temperance
V. The Empress, inverted
VI. The World
VII. 4 of Staves, inverted
VIII. King of Wands, inverted
IX. 8 of Swords
X. 5 of Cups, inverted
Usualy when I read for myself (generally a no no, I know), I judge the veracity of the reading on how close VII is to how I actually feel. In this case, it is the 4 of staves inverted, which for those who know, and those who know, is pretty much dead on. Over all I felt this reading to be a very accurate representation of how I have felt events have been going on recently. I am suprised by the X card as it presents a hopefull outlook and whenever I have read on this situation I have never had a hopefull outlook. If anyone wants to try to make sense out of the reading, be my guest. If you aren't using traditional interpretations of the cards, I would suggest Astarte's TarotWeb
For clarification, I read III as the crown and the cards after are laid clockwise.
Current State: New Hampshire
Current Mood: *sigh*
Current Emote: ~_~
Current Tarot: See Above.
Current Music: "And the Knights come Marching Home," Ailsean
"We sit together,the mountain and I
until only the mountain remains." - Li Po
Friday, February 13, 2004
When the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain, and the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain. In the shadow of the forest, though she may be old and worn. They will stare, unbelieving, at the last Unicorn.
You are Form 3, Unicorn: The Innocent.
"And The Unicorn knew she wasn't meant to
go into the Dark Wood. Disregarding the advice
given to her by the spirits, Unicorn went
inside and bled silver blood.. For her
misdeed, the world knew evil."
Some examples of the Unicorn Form are Eve
(Christian) and Pandora (Greek).
The Unicorn is associated with the concept of
innocence, the number 3, and the element of
Her sign is the twilight sun.
As a member of Form 3, you are a curious
individual. You are drawn to new things and
become fascinated with ideas you've never come
in contact with before. Some people may say
you are too nosey, but it's only because you
like getting to the bottom of things and
solving them. Unicorns are the best friends to
have because they are inquisitive.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
"I've had time to write a book about the way you act and look, but I haven't got a paragraph. Words are always getting in my way, anyway, I love you, that's I have to tell you. . . . that's all I've got to say."
The above lines are from probably one of the greatest love songs ever written. It is fairly sentimental but stays completely heart felt to the character who sings it.
Current State: Jangled
Current Mood: Jumbled
Current Emote: *-*
Current Tarot: Seven of Penticles
Current Music: "The Last Unicorn," America
"We sit together,the mountain and I
until only the mountain remains." - Li Po
Monday, February 09, 2004
The haxor handle of Ed is "Zer0 Preacher". |
Weird, fitting, but weird...
So! Anyway, weird day today! I still can't believe Draco didn't remember meeting me!!! Cat says I have, so I have. Haven't I? Writing my critique for my techniques video... I am not liking my style at all. I will have to become more mindfull of the problems I am seeing, but some how I can't let that get in the way of active listening or genuiness. Must be genuine, must provide an empty, clean space for growth. The space must fit and must expand and shrink with the needs of those in it. Empty self, empty. The self exists in tandum with all things, no individual, only continuous existance.
Current State: Draining
Current Mood: Waning
Current Emote: /|\|/|
Current Tarot: The Empress
Current Music: "Hot Rocks Polka" Weird Al
"We sit together,the mountain and I
until only the mountain remains." - Li Po
Sunday, February 08, 2004
As much as I tried, I could not honestly answer in anyway which didn't land me on this result. I guess it's the spicey foods that got me, huh? Meh, I don't think my moods are "raging," maybe more like a gentle ebb along a beach? There's high tides, and low tides, and they can be very predictable... I guess?! *shrug*

You are a faerie of the flame. You tend to lose
your temper at the littlest thing, hot-headed.
You're a loyal friend to those who can
understand your raging moods. You're social
though claim not to be. You are no one else but
yourself and sometimes you try to hard to be
just that. You're a passionate friend, and
would do almost anything for those you care
What's your inner Faerie?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hey everyone! I just realized something that is really fucked up, but I am not going to tell what it is because I am really tired and can't think clearly!
Fitting, hmm?
The Hermit often suggests a need for time alone - a period of reflection when distractions are limited. In times of action and high energy, he stands for the still center that must be created for balance. He can also indicate that withdrawal or retreat is advised for the moment. In addition, the Hermit can represent seeking of all kinds, especially for deeper understanding or the truth of a situation. "Seek, and ye shall find," we have been told, and so the Hermit stands for guidance as well. We can receive help from wise teachers, and, in turn, help others as we progress. For a full description of your card and other goodies, please visit LearnTarot.com |
What tarot card are you? Enter your birthdate. |
Saturday, February 07, 2004
Dolls of voodoo all stuck with pins, one for each of us and our sins. I have realized that speaking with made up people distresses me. I have descided to take a play out of Methos's book and use his time-honed reaction strategy when these made up people present themselves: Nothing. I will do nothing, say nothing, think nothing, feel nothing, as they are nothing, so shall I reflect that nothingness.
I often wonder about the genuiness of the people I interact with. I hope they are being genuine with me as I try to be genuine with them. I know it's difficult to be one's self, but how can anyone be anything but genuine? Haven't I seen you here before?
Current State: Stuck
Current Mood: Pensive
Current Emote: ~_~
Current Tarot: 7 of pentacles, inverted.
Current Music: "FiXXXer" - Metallica
"We sit together,the mountain and I
until only the mountain remains." - Li Po
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
Stupid tarot readings running me in circles. The more I try to clarify, the more I need to seek out to find answers. Ho hum! Perhaps I will abduct the rune reader and make her read the stones.
"The bones, they always come up the same way. There's no seein what can' t be seen, no killin what can't be killed."
Current Tarot: 3 of staves, inverted
Don't let me talk to you like that. Just be genuine.
That aside, whats new with Ed? I made latkes out of some sweet potatoes we had. Let me just say, that they were nummy! I made them with the spice mix I had for the gumbo I made a while back, SPICEY! I probably could have done a better job with them as I neglected a few steps in the recipe. Next time I make them, I will not screw that part up again! Lets see what else... Started some projects, furthered progress on some other projects, learned a lot, learned more about my self in one hour than I have in a long time.
Recently, I have been contemplating new strategies which may in the future backfire or have unintended effects. All I can say is, "Damn the mo fo torpedos!" More on that later.
Current State: Like a stone
Current Mood: Hurt
Current Emote: ~_~
Current Tarot: 7 of Cups
Current Music: "The Wanderer" Johnny Cash & U2
"We sit together,the mountain and I
until only the mountain remains." - Li Po
Sunday, February 01, 2004
Boy, AMC really loves to show the same movies over and over again. If I have to see the middle of Terminator again I am going to plotz! "I'll be back." And then the classic blood bath ensues in perfect 80's fashion. That whole movie is very 80's. Enough of that, lets talk about another gem that I saw the other day, Captain Kronos: Vampire Hunter! With a title that lends itself to a what could have been a bad anime, we instead get a wackjob 70's vampire flick! The people on the IMDB seem to believe this is a decent movie. Which it was, and there is a lot of story packed tightly into the film. Unfortunatly, the permiating 70's aire ruins it for me. I suppose if it was made in the 80's it would have bleepy techno-electronica music playing in the background, or if it were made in the 90's it would have starred scantily clad, up-and-coming leading ladies with their psudo-intellectual stoner wanna-be-male hero racing to their breathless rescue. Meh. This movie could deserve a good re-write and an updated shoot... the katana scene alone made this movie deserve something more than a midnight showing on AMC. If you do manage to see this movie, wait for the scene when he draws his katana, that will make it worth it. OH! I also got to see the second Holloween movie. This is the one thats the continuation of the first movie and takes place right after the events in the first movie. "An hour ago I stood up and fired six shots into him and he just got up and walked away." This movie, while not as classic as the first, definitly was what a sequel to a horror film like the first should be. As a matter of fact, you can almost say that these are one, single movie. Holloween 2 has Lance Guest in it, and for that reason along it will always be one of the greatest Lance Guest films of all time. That is all.
Current State: *yawn*
Current Mood: Nervous
Current Emote: ~_~
Current Tarot: 2 of Cups
Current Music: "Point of Departure" Necros
"We sit together,the mountain and I
until only the mountain remains." - Li Po